Tuesday, July 13, 2010

transported by transportation

july 13th, 2010

Well the Reporter took some days off as there was lots of people where she was, and she was running errands to farmers markets and cooking exquisite meals and cleaning things and day dreaming as usual.

So here below in deep center of france where no one lives but she and Dear Hubby, here is a view of the newly scrapped pond which looks pretty good, I say.

and from the other side,

and then as the Reporter's Dear Old Friend has a Dear Brother who loves brand new transportation, there was the visit of a crazy group of Brits, the Lagonda Gang, and they were like a really weird and pretty charming bunch,

And here are the pilots,

and here are the means of transportation,
these are like dating from early twenties,

and some more, the latest ones being around the late thirties,

And the Reporter who always has great ideas, said to one of the gang, " You know if you get a 2 cv, it does use less petrol "
and that was greeted with interest too.
Then the Reporter went with Dear Old Friend and Dear Old Friend's Brother to have dinner and it was mellow and while they
had dinner at a farm, there was another mean of transportation there and that one didn't use any petrol at all. They were 2 cv too by the way.

So there, with much love from the farm and the two horses power,
the Frog

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